Monday, May 3, 2010

Session 1: Personal Pharaohs (May 6)

I hope you all are enjoying the study so far. I think it is going to be good. Here's a few things to remember from this week...

Professed god - who or what we say our god is
Functional god - who or what actually operates as our god

"Remember, we're walking together toward the goal of eradicating the things from our lives that are false, that lie, that kill, and that steal. But if we stop there, we miss the point: to MAKE ROOM for God to live unrivaled in our hearts, shedding life, light, glory, healing, holiness, miracles, peace, and more things than I could ever write." (pg. 24)

Matthew 6:21 ~ what we treasure is where our heart is
Isaiah 44:9 ~ if we treasure idols, we treasure what is worthless
2 Kings 17:15 ~ we become like what we treasure/worship

Creative reflection assignment: of the verses above that struck you as most profound ponder a song, movie clip, painting, picture, personal experience, example in nature, childhood remembrance or anything that best reflects that concept.

See you guys on Thursday!

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